2023 graduate of Herkimer High School
Attending SUNY Brockport in the fall – Majoring in Exercise Science
“My favorite YAP memory would be when we all helped out at the drive-in movie for Beetlejuice. We all froze our butts off but managed to make it a good time.”
“In five years I see myself finishing up college finding myself helping athletes as a physical therapist or athletic trainer.”
2023 graduate of Frankfort-Schuyler High School
Attending SUNY Poly in the fall – Majoring in Nursing
“My favorite YAP memory was being able to share the memories of the shows with my friends.”
“In five years I plan to be an RN in a hospital right in Utica.”
2023 graduate of New Hartford High School
Attending Bentley University in the fall – Majoring in Marketing and a minor in fashion merchandising
“My favorite memory is caroling outside before the performance of Elf the Musical.”
“In five years I see myself traveling, working fashion shows. designing storefronts and marketing for big brands.”
2023 graduate of Frankfort Schuyler High School
Attending SUNY POLY and St. Elizabeth’s College of Nursing in the fall – Majoring in Nursing
“My favorite experience in YAP was when we were able to see a tech rehearsal of The Book of Mormon. It was such a fantastic and funny show!!”
“In five years I want to be working as a travel nurse.”
2023 graduate of Frankfort-Schuyler High School
Attending MVCC in the fall – Majoring in Biology
“My favorite Yap memory Seeing Mean Girls at Proctors and spending the day in Albany with all of my fellow yappers!”
“In five years I plan to continue my education by studying to get my master’s degree.”
2023 graduate of Town of Webb
Attending SUNY Potsdam in the fall – Majoring in Adolescence Education specializing in teaching English
“My most favorite YAP experience was the mini ghost tour that a small group and I got with one of the workers at the Stanley!”
“In five years I hope to have completed a masters program in education and be moving somewhere warm to teach!”
2023 graduate of Oriskany CSD
Attending American Musical and Dramatic Academy in the fall – Majoring in Musical Theater
“My favorite YAP memory was going to see Mean Girls at Proctor Theatre.
“In five years I can see myself performing on Broadway, film and/or voice acting for animation and video games.”
2023 graduate of Town of Webb
Attending Syracuse University in the fall – Majoring in Management and Communication
“My favorite memory of YAP has been receiving the opportunity to meet more students my age that share the same passions as me. Coming from a small school it is hard to meet people similar to me, but YAP introduced me to amazing people that I can now call my best friends.”
“In five years I plan to be in Law School (hopefully somewhere warm!)”
2023 graduate of Rome Free Academy
Attending SUNY Fredonia in the fall – Majoring in Childhood Education
“My favorite YAP memory was seeing Waitress. I had the chance to talk to so many YAP members at the show that I hadn’t talked with before and saw a truly phenomenal show. I also enjoyed volunteering with other Yappers as well.”
“In five years I plan to be pursuing my future career as a teacher and seeing as many local performances of plays as I can! My plan is to take part in local community theater once I settle in to my career.”
2023 graduate of Proctor High School
Attending Oswego State University in the fall – Majoring in Theatre
“The very best thing about YAP has been meeting some of my very best friends.. I will always be grateful that our love of the theatre brought us together! My favorite YAP experiences were getting to volunteer at events like caroling and hosting a drive-in movie. I was able to spend time with my amazing fellow YAPPERS while we were helping the community at the same time! Win-Win! I will miss this group so much!!”
“In five years I hope to be performing in regional or national theatre tours with my BA from Oswego.”
2023 graduate of Rome Free Academy
Attending Nazareth College in the fall – Majoring in Music Therapy
My best YAP memory was getting to go see Mean Girls at Proctor Theater. Not only is it one of my favorite musicals, but it is my best YAP memory because I got to know some people more than I did before. I have gained many friends through the program and I’m super grateful for this amazing experience.”
“In five years I see myself settled into a job as a Music Therapist. Possibly working with kids and teenagers. Maybe in a school or private practice. I hope to be able to have a place on my own or with someone else that is not my parent.”.
2023 graduate of New Hartford High School
Attending Bryn Mawr College in the fall – Double major for Psychology and Sociology
“My Favorite Yap moment was going to see Mean Girls. I had so much fun getting to talk with my friends and see the show together!!!”
“In five years I will ideally be in grad school working on my masters in either social work, marriage therapy, or clinical psychology.”
2023 graduate of Notre Dame High School
Attending Syracuse University in the fall – Majoring in Public Relations
“My favorite memory is going to shows and getting to meet amazing people with all of my friends in the program.”
“In five years I see myself living in a big city, and working in the entertainment industry for public relations.”
2023 graduate of Proctor High School
“My best YAP memory is being able to see amazing shows and make a ton of new friends that love the same thing I do.”
“In five years I will see that I am a happy, successful woman who has accomplished more than half of my bucket list. If not yet accomplished, I will be working towards accomplishing those goals to fulfill my life.”
2023 graduate of Notre Dame
Attending SUNY Purchase in the fall – Majoring in Theatre and Performance
“My favorite YAP moment was standing in the freezing cold at the stage door with my fellow yappers for 1776 and one of the actresses recognized me from when we staged door for Elf. We had a wonderful conversation both times and it was truly meaningful to me.”
“In five years I see myself acting on screen in either a movie or tv show.
2023 graduate of New Hartford High School
Attending SUNY Geneseo in the fall – Majoring in Adolescent Education- Biology
“My favorite YAP memory was more of the community and social aspect of the program. Over the past two years, I have made many friendships and have helped the community, such as volunteering and putting together the Thanksgiving boxes at the Compassion Coalition. Being able to spend time with people that have the same interests as I do, and getting to get closer with good people is a memory that will never be forgotten. Spending time with and learning new things from professionals and the people who do this every day is a good skill, and memory to have. Coming out of Covid, we didn’t get much social interaction with people, and being able to get interaction with great people has been an amazing experience.”
“In five years I see myself getting my masters in education as well as student teaching. I hope to further my education, and career with a goal of helping others, and making impacts in people’s lives. As well as this, I hope to continue my love for music and theater by joining groups in college as well as outside organizations. I would like to thank YAP and the Bank of Utica for making these past two years for me possible and all the great opportunities that came along with it!”
2023 graduate of Notre Dame
Attending Dartmouth in the fall – Majoring in Government & International Relations with a minor in Music
“Best memory was participating in the Sing for the Stanley fundraiser during quarantine.”
“In five years I hope to be pursuing a law degree and finding a job working for the U.S. Government.”
2023 graduate of Herkimer High School
Attending SUNY Oneonta in the fall – Majoring in Early childhood education with a minor in psychology
“My favorite part about YAP was meeting new people who have an appreciation for theatre as much as I do!”
“In five years I hope to be traveling and teaching others!”
2023 graduate of Herkimer High School
Attending Russell Sage College in the fall – Majoring in Biology
“My favorite YAP moment was meeting the cast of Elf after the show.”
“In five years I hope to be attending Albany Med to become a general practitioner.”