#BEYAP #BankOfUtica 
Join the Drama with Broadway Utica’s Youth Ambassador Program, entering its 14th year in the 2025-2026 season. Registration will open this spring - stay tuned for more details. Our mission is to invest in the potential of young individuals, inspiring them to thrive in the realms of theatre, the arts, community engagement, and life itself. Participants in this program will receive a season subscription to Broadway Utica, attend pre-talks before each performance, foster connections with fellow ambassadors, and actively contribute to the community through organized volunteer activities. In return, students commit to providing a pre-show synopsis and a post-show review for each performance, along with actively participating in the program.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Applicants must be currently enrolled in a local high school, entering their junior or senior year in the 2025-2026 academic term.
- Students must be available to attend the first night performance of each show in the season, arranging their own transportation. This is mandatory.
- An active Facebook account and other social media profiles are required, with a willingness to post about upcoming Broadway Utica events. Students should check in on social media while attending shows, posting creative content pre-show, during intermission, and post-show. Access to Google Apps for communication and assignment submissions is also necessary.
- Submission of a pre-show synopsis is required, due no later than one week before the performance.
- Submission of a post-show review is mandatory, due no later than one week after the performance.
- Commitment to being an active participant in the program is essential.
- Students are required to perform 10 hours of community service throughout the season at a Broadway Utica sponsored, supported, or recommended event.
Application Checklist:
- Submission of an application information sheet is mandatory.
- An essay explaining why the student is interested in becoming a Youth Ambassador and what they hope to gain by being a member is required.
- Submission of one recommendation letter from a teacher, coach, mentor, or guidance counselor is necessary.
- A signed parental permission form is required, and parents/guardians are responsible for ensuring their child understands and knows the content of each show attended through the program.
- Both the student and parent must sign a publicity/photo release form.
Youth Ambassador Program Guidelines
- Arrive at the theatre no later than 5:30 pm for a pre-show educational talk session with cast members and industry or local professionals.
- Engage on Facebook or another Social Media platform before, during intermission, and after the show. Always tag “Broadway Utica” using our social media handles and hashtags - #YAP, #BroadwayUtica, #BU.
Post Show Critiques
- Provide a post-show critique within one week after the performance; attendance at the next show depends on it.
- Email all post-show materials to Kristen@BroadwayUtica.org for approval before posting on social media. Include your name, grade level, and high school. Once approved, share highlights on your social media accounts. Don't forget to thank Bank of Utica for sponsoring #YAP with your own twist, along with using #BroadwayUtica, #BU, and #BankofUtica in every post.
- If you can't attend a show or are not allowed due to incomplete work, submit a pre-show synopsis. Failure to submit means not being allowed to attend the show through the program.
- A tradition we hope to resume regularly after a long hiatus.
- Complete 10 hours of community service throughout the season at a Broadway Utica sponsored, supported, and/or recommended event.
A synopsis is a quick summary providing an overview of the musical's storyline, style, genre, characters, and setting.
When writing a review, share your honest opinion on actors, set design, the director, dialogues, the script, and more. Examples will be provided to guide you.
Stay tuned for an exciting behind-the-scenes experience with Broadway Utica’s Ambassador Program!
What is the Bernadette A. Eichler Youth Ambassador Program?
YAP, as we like to call it at Broadway Utica is a specific program designed for theatre lovers in 11th and 12th grade in local area high schools. Each student who participates in YAP must complete a synopsis before each show and review after. Our students also have to complete a certain amount of community service hours. In return, they hear from local community members, cast/crew from each production and are even eligible for a scholarship their senior year.
It’s a great honor to watch these children grow into such vibrant, knowledgeable, and passionate young adults. We are fortunate to have such a wonderful generation of youth right here in our hometown. More than 50 Ambassadors take part in our program year after year. Each child in the program brings a unique talent and perspective on life. None of this would be possible without the generosity, commitment, and financial help from our community, sponsors, and patrons – like you! We are dependent on your donations to fund this program. Each child has the opportunity to be a Broadway Utica season subscriber, meet the cast and crew, and take a trip to see a live Broadway production at another theatre. In addition, they’ll comprehend the importance of giving back to their community; learn from each other, and most importantly to be a youth that has unconditional support.
Thank you for believing in our program, our children, and our community. We are not only able to meet the demands of the experience we offer, but exceed them with your constant dedication and support of this elite program. On behalf of the Board of Directors, the entire staff at Broadway Utica and all of our Youth Ambassadors – WE THANK YOU!
If you are interested in donating to the Bernadette A. Eichler Youth Ambassador Program please call our office at 315-624-9444 or visit The Community Foundation Here .
Broadway Theatre League of Utica’s Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA) Statement
At Broadway Theatre League of Utica, we believe that live theatre is a powerful platform for bringing people together, sharing diverse stories, and creating lasting connections. We are committed to fostering an environment where all individuals—regardless of their background, identity, or ability—can experience, enjoy, and participate in the transformative power of the performing arts.
Join Us In Making A Difference
When you donate to the Bernadette A. Eichler Youth Ambassador Program, your contribution directly impacts the youth in our community. Students in our program embrace the arts and grow personally and professionally. Each year, as we grow, our program expenses increase and therefore, become more of a challenge to manage. We hope with individual donations and committed sponsors, we can not only meet but also exceed the program expectations. This one of a kind program is sponsored in part by Bank of Utica. On behalf of the Board of Directors and staff at Broadway Utica, we extend a warm and heartfelt thank you to the Bank of Utica for being our lead sponsor for the past eight years and to each of you for supporting the Bernadette A. Eichler Youth Ambassador Program.
Student Eligibility
- Student must be a junior or senior in the 2023-2024 school year.
- Student must have the ability to attend all shows in the season and provide his/her own transportation.
- Student must have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snap Chat accounts, and are required to check in to “Broadway Utica” online while at the show. They must also post creative content while activity tagging “Broadway Utica” on all social media channels pre-show, during intermission and post show.
- Student must complete and submit a pre-show synopsis that is due two weeks prior to opening night.
- Student must complete a post –show critique that is due 48 hours after the performance.
- Student must proudly uphold the expectations of the program.
- Student is required to perform 10 hours of community service throughout the season, at a Broadway Utica sponsored, supported and/or recommended event.
- The Bernadette A. Eichler Youth Ambassador Guidelines can be found in the link below.
Application Process
- Student will be required to submit an essay explaining why they would like to become a Bernadette A. Eichler Youth Ambassador, what their expectation of the program is, and how they feel they will grow from being a member.
- Student must submit one recommendation from an ELA teacher and another recommendation from a teacher affiliated with their school’s arts program.
- Each student must have parental permission.
- Each student/parent is required to sign a publicity/photo release form.
These forms can be found under the Bernadette A. Eichler Youth Ambassador Application materials link and should be emailed to Felix@BroadwayUtica.com
Applications must be received before June 30th, 2019. For more information about the Youth Ambassadors Program, please feel free to call Felix LaBella III at (315) 624-9444.